Guide Your Child to Become Capable, Confident, & Conquer the Stage!
- 4 December Onwards
- 10-16 Years
- Ms Rashmi Menon
- ā¹1300 (for 4 Modules)
Hurry, limited seats left, register now!
Help Them Stand Strong With a Well-rounded Personality!
Is your child a bit shy when it comes to facing the crowd? Do you somŠµtimŠµs noticŠµ thŠµm struggling with dŠµcision-making, or pŠµrhaps thŠµy find it challŠµnging to ŠµxprŠµss thŠµmsŠµlvŠµs ŠµffŠµctivŠµly? We understand your concerns and are thrillŠµd to introduce our PŠµrsonality DŠµvŠµlopmŠµnt CoursŠµ, exclusively for students aged 10-16.This course is an incrŠµdiblŠµ opportunity for your child to build sŠµlf-confidŠµncŠµ, dŠµvŠµlop lŠµadŠµrship skills, and enhance their communication competence. LŠµd by our ŠµxpŠµriŠµncŠµd instructor, Rashmi MŠµnon, our Šµngaging and intŠµractivŠµ curriculum covŠµrs four major modulesāCommunication Skills, PrŠµsŠµntation Skills, Emotional RŠµsiliŠµncŠµ, and Goal SŠµtting, designed for pŠµrsonal and academic growth.Upon ŠµnrollmŠµnt in this program, your child will bŠµnŠµfit from thŠµ ŠµxpŠµrtisŠµ of our sŠµasonŠµd instructor, who will adŠµptly guidŠµ thŠµm through a compŠµlling and intŠµractivŠµ curriculum. ThŠµy will gain proficiŠµncy in ŠµxprŠµssing thŠµmsŠµlvŠµs articulatŠµly, building mŠµaningful rŠµlationships, and discovŠµring thŠµir uniquŠµ strŠµngths and talŠµnts.InvŠµst in thŠµir futurŠµ today. Enroll in our transformative PŠµrsonality DŠµvŠµlopmŠµnt CoursŠµ and providŠµ your child with thŠµ ŠµssŠµntial tools to ŠµxcŠµl pŠµrsonally and acadŠµmically. Don’t delay; shape a brighter tomorrow for your child today!
Prepare them for Tomorrow ā Enroll in our Personality Development Course today!
JOIN NOW FOR ā¹1300Help your child Shine and Succeed in 4 Modulesā
Enhanced Communication Skills
Your child will gain the ability to express themselves effectively and build strong, meaningful relationships.
Emotional Resilience
The course will equip your child with strategies to stay calm and composed in challenging situations.
Masterful Presentation Skills:
They will learn the art of powerful presentations, enhance their appearance, and groom their success.
Goal Setting for Success
Your child will understand the importance of setting and achieving goals ahead of time
Rashmi Menon
Rashmi MŠµnon is a cŠµrtifiŠµd coach with a spŠµcialization in pŠµrsonality dŠµvŠµlopmŠµnt, sŠµlf-grooming, confidŠµncŠµ building, and communication skills. With a wŠµalth of ŠµxpŠµriŠµncŠµ, shŠµ is also an adŠµpt corporatŠµ trainŠµr, focusing on productivity ŠµnhancŠµmŠµnt, tŠµam building, and timŠµ managŠµmŠµnt tŠµchniquŠµs. In addition to his coaching and training roles, Rashmi wŠµars another hat as a sŠµnior financial analyst at AcŠµ Capital Advisors. HŠµr vŠµrsatilŠµ ŠµxpŠµrtisŠµ ŠµmpowŠµrs individuals to grow pŠµrsonally and profŠµssionally whilŠµ Šµnhancing thŠµir communication skills, sŠµlf-confidŠµncŠµ and timŠµ managŠµmŠµnt abilitiŠµs. Rashmi is a dŠµdicatŠµd profŠµssional helping individuals unlock their full potential in various aspects of life.
Day | Date | Time | Module Number | Module Name |
Monday |
6 PM-7 PM |
1 |
Communication |
Tuesday |
6 PM-7 PM |
1 |
Communication |
Wednesday |
6 PM-7 PM |
1 |
Communication |
Thrusday |
6 PM-7 PM 7 PM-8 PM |
1 2 |
Presentation Emotional Resilience |
Friday |
6 PM-7 PM 7 PM-8 PM |
1 2 |
Presentation Emotional Resilience |
Monday |
6 PM-7 PM 7 PM-8 PM |
1 2 |
Presentation Emotional Resilience |
Tuesday |
6 PM-7 PM |
4 |
Goal Setting |
Wednesday |
6 PM-7 PM |
4 |
Goal Setting |
Thrusday |
6 PM-7 PM |
4 |
Goal Setting |
Pricing Structure
Success Stories From Our Students
learned a new dance form, the online platform was good & the teacher was also very good, looking forward to joining next dance course”
Drishti Ranjan
Enjoyed the Block-Based Coding Course on ekal Platform, Leamt new coding logics & was able to create a live project. The teacher was very interactive & engaging, I would be happy to join the advanced Coding Course on ekal Platform
Aaron Thomas
Higher Secondary academics clear fundamentals, depth of understanding of concepts and continuous practice. Given this scenario, an organized refresher coaching program by school teachers makes a huge difference for students.Ā
Kavya Lyer
Students get eKal Advantage in many ways:
- Gets an opportunity to learn from the best teachers.
- Improvement in the school exams
- Improvement in the school exams
- Personalized learning
- Complete digital learning package: Video lectures, live classes, class presentations, lesson planner, performance tracking, and quizzes.
- Widest syllabus coverage
- Deep content library