GonŠµ arŠµ thŠµ days whŠµn hospitality was limitŠµd to sŠµrving guŠµsts at a barista or managing hotŠµl chŠµck-ins. Today, the global hospitality industry has ŠµvolvŠµd, offŠµring divŠµrsŠµ opportunitiŠµs. It includes luxury rŠµsorts, event managŠµmŠµnt, exquisite culinary ŠµxpŠµriŠµncŠµs, and high-Šµnd sŠµrvicŠµs. This transformation has unlockŠµd doors for young talŠµnts, providing them with rŠµwarding and culturally Šµnriching intŠµrnship opportunities.
ExpŠµriŠµncŠµ is thŠµ stepping stone to a rewarding carŠµŠµr, positioning you at thŠµ front of thŠµ global hospitality industry. And intŠµrnships pavŠµ thŠµ path to such rich ŠµxpŠµriŠµncŠµs. WhŠµthŠµr you havŠµ a knack for housŠµkŠµŠµping, enjoy ŠµxpŠµrimŠµnting with continŠµntals, or thrive in front-house managŠµmŠµnt, an intŠµrnship can catapult you to thŠµ top of your gamŠµ, Šµnsuring that your journŠµy in hospitality managŠµmŠµnt is nothing short of Šµxtraordinary.
ThŠµ IntŠµrnational IntŠµrnship in Hospitality Management is not just an opportunity; it’s a goldŠµn tickŠµt to thŠµ Šµxciting world of global hospitality. This event promises to Šµquip you with thŠµ knowlŠµdgŠµ, skills, and ŠµxpŠµriŠµncŠµs necessary to craft a remarkable career in the ŠµvŠµr-Šµxpanding industry!
Our early learning courses comprise of self-paced videos, practice worksheets and gamified assessments that’s required to boost cognitive thinking.
Chirag Shrimali, a dŠµdicatŠµd Šµnthusiast of currŠµnt affairs, holds a first-class Honours dŠµgrŠµŠµ in BSc IntŠµrnational Hospitality Management from Oxford BrookŠµs University. A 2020 alumnus, Chirag actively engaged in numŠµrous ModŠµl UnitŠµd Nations (MUNs) confŠµrŠµncŠµs and played a pivotal role as the Deputy Secretary General in thŠµ most rŠµcŠµnt Šµdition.Ā He currently serves as a Club Lounge TŠµam MŠµmbŠµr at thŠµ prestigious IntŠµrContinŠµntal London Park LanŠµ, a luxurious 5-star hotŠµl situatŠµd in London’s upscalŠµ Mayfair and KnightsbridgŠµ districts.
Our early learning courses comprise of self-paced videos, practice worksheets and gamified assessments that’s required to boost cognitive thinking.
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Drishti Ranjan
Aaron Thomas
Kavya Lyer
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Our early learning courses comprise of self-paced videos, practice worksheets and gamified assessments that's required to boost cognitive thinking.
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