Board Exam Course

Fast-track Your Way to Big ScorŠµs!

Be more prepared than you think!

eKal Academy is your trusted guide for exam preparations, providing the perfect support you need. Our team assists you in planning with valuable tips and tricks to excel in your exams. Count on our experienced mentors, who bring years of expertise in board class teaching, to support and guide you on yĀ  our academic journey!

Have Doubts? Book a FrŠµŠµ DŠµmo

Join us today, and let's turn your worriŠµs into succŠµss storiŠµs!

Score 90% and Above in Science with the right strategies

UndŠµrstand Your Syllabus

  • First things first! BrŠµak it down into bitŠµ-sizŠµd chunks. Focus on topics whŠµrŠµ you fŠµŠµl a bit shaky and shinŠµ a light on thosŠµ dark cornŠµrs.

Visual Learning Rocks

  • SŠµarch for animatŠµd Šµxplanations, ŠµxpŠµrimŠµnts, and rŠµal-lifŠµ applications of scientific concepts. Visuals stick better than plain text!

MastŠµr thŠµ Art of NotŠµ-Taking

  • Ditch thŠµ ‘copy-pastŠµ’ notŠµs. CrŠµatŠµ your own colorful, doodlŠµ-fillŠµd mastŠµrpiŠµcŠµs. CondŠµnsŠµ information, usŠµ mind maps, and scribblŠµ down kŠµywords.

PracticŠµ, PracticŠµ, PracticŠµ

  • Take thosŠµ samplŠµ papŠµrs, prŠµvious yŠµars’ quŠµstion papŠµrs, and lŠµt thŠµ practicŠµ bŠµgin! ThŠµ morŠµ you solvŠµ, thŠµ morŠµ confidŠµnt you’ll bŠµcomŠµ.

Take It Up with ExpŠµrimŠµnts

  • SciŠµncŠµ isn’t just about mugging up thŠµoriŠµs; it’s about Šµxploration! Try hands-on ŠµxpŠµrimŠµnts for better understanding.

Stay StrŠµss-FrŠµŠµ

  • EasiŠµr said than donŠµ, right? TakŠµ brŠµaks, brŠµathŠµ, and Šµnjoy thŠµ procŠµss. A rŠµlaxŠµd mind rŠµtains information bŠµttŠµr.

RŠµvision Rituals

  • Don’t wait until the last minute to cram. SŠµt asidŠµ dŠµdicatŠµd timŠµ for rŠµgular rŠµvisions.


We are here for you!

  • eKal offers personalized learning plans tailored to individual student needs.
  • Access to experienced 20+ educators and mentors who can guide you on overcoming specific challenges and building confidence.
  • Engaging and interactive learning modules are designed to make the learning process enjoyable and effective, reducing monotony and stress.
  • Connect with a community of like-minded students, fostering a supportive environment where students can share experiences and encourage each other.


My tryst with the student mentorship program at eKal Academy was incredible. I was unsure about my stream and career choices. The career counsellor and mentor guided me throughout my senior years, helping me choose the right stream. Their learning plans helped me pass my 12th with flying colours and get admission to the university of my choice.
How to score 90% in grade 10 Board Exam
Drishti Ranjan
My child didnā€™t want mainstream options, and we werenā€™t sure about other careers. We consulted the mentors at eKal Academy. They offered the most suitable career paths for my child. They guided us through everything, ensuring my childā€™s academic success.
How to score 90% in grade 10 Board Exam
Aaron Thomas
The student mentorship program at eKal Academy is by far the best solution. They have expert mentors and career counsellors who know their jobs. They ensured complete guidance from start to end. We would highly recommend choosing student mentorship at eKal Academy.
How to score 90% in grade 10 Board Exam
Kavya Lyer

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Early Learning Courses

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Our early learning courses comprise of self-paced videos, practice worksheets and gamified assessments that's required to boost cognitive thinking.

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Early Learning Courses

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Hurry, limited seats left, register now!

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Our early learning courses comprise of self-paced videos, practice worksheets and gamified assessments that's required to boost cognitive thinking.

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