• Plants are usually grouped into herbs, shrubs, trees, and climbers based on their height, stems and branches.
• Classification of Plants on the of Growth Habit:
(a) Herbs: Have soft, green and week stems. Example: rice, wheat, maize, sunflower, mint, etc.
(b) Shrubs: They are bushy and have hard stems that do not bend easily. These are plants with the stem branching out near the base. Example: lemon, china rose, jasmine, Nerium, etc.
(c) Trees: These are big plants which have a tall and strong stem (trunk). Stems have branches in the upper part, much above the ground. Live for many years. Example: mango, neem, banyan, coconut, etc.
(d) Climbers: Have weak stems and cannot stand erect. They take support of other trees and climb on them. Example: pea, grape, vine, etc.
(e) Creepers: Plants which creep on the ground and spread out. Example: pumpkin and watermelon.
• Classification of plants on the basis of their Life Cycle:
(a) Annuals: Plants whose life cycle is completed in the one season. These are generally herbs. Example: wheat and mustard.
(b) Biennials: Plants whose life cycle requires two seasons for completion. They are generally herbs and rarely shrubs. Example: carrot, radish and potato.
(c) Perennials: Plants whose life cycle runs for more than two seasons example: guava, babul and palm trees.
• Parts of a Plants:
(a) Root system: It is the underground portion of the plant.
(i) Tap Root: It is the main primary root arises from lower end of the stem. A number of tiny braches called secondary roots. Example: mustard, neem, rose, etc.
(ii) Fibrous Root: A bunch of roots arises from the bae of stem. Example: wheat, maize, etc.
Functions of root system:
(i) Roots absorb water and nutrients from the soil.
(ii) Roots help the plant to stand erect.
(iii) Roots check soil erosion.
(iv) Roots store food.
(v) Prop roots offer extra support.
(b) Shoot system: The part of the plant which grows above the soil. It includes stems, branches, leaves, flowers and fruits.
(i) Stem: Gives riese to a number of branches that bear leaves. The stem bears leaves, flowers and fruits.
(ii) Leaf: Leaf arises from the leaf base. A leaf usually has a petiole and a lamina.
Parts of leaf:
(a) Petiole: Stalk of the leaf with which it joined to the stem.
(b) Leaf lamina: The flat green portion of the leaf.
(c) Veins: These are the network of small, narrow, tube-like structures on both sides of the midrib present in the middle of leaf.
(iii) Flower: It is the reproductive organ of the plant.
• Function of Stem:
(i) It provides support to plant.
(ii) It bears important plant parts.
(iii) It helps in transportation of water and food.
(iv) Underground stems store food.
(v) Thick and fleshy stems make food.
(vi) Stem modified into tendrils give extra support for plants.
• Function of Leaf:
(i) Transpiration: Process of losign water by the leaves of a plant.
(ii) Preparation of food by the process of photosynthesis.
• Function of Flowers:
(i) Help in reproduction.
(ii) These become fruits that store food and seeds.
(iii) Modified flowers like cauliflower, broccoli are rich sources of vitamins.
• Parts of Flower:
(i) Pedicel: Stalk of the flower through which the flower is joined to the branch. It has joined to the branch.
(ii) Sepal: Small green leaf-like structures on the thalamus. They protect the flower.
(iii) Petals: Brightly colored leaf-like structures present inside the sepals. Petals attract the insects and help in the process of reproduction.
(iv) Stamens: These are long, thin and needle-like structures. These are male organs of the flower. It consists of two parts: Anther, Filament.
(a) Anther: The swollen tip of each stamen that encloses in it a small powdery substance called pollen grains.
(b) Filament: Long stalk-like structure that joins the anther with thalamus.
(v) Carpel: It is a flask-shaped organ in the centre of flower. It is the female organ of the flower. It consist three parts: Style, Stigma and Ovary.
(a) Style: Long thin tube-like structure which is swollen at the base.
(b) Stigma: Small, round and sticky part of the carpel at the top of the style the traps the pollen grains.
(c) Ovary: Swollen part of carpel that contains ovules.
• The pattern of veins on the leaf is called venation. It can be reticulate or parallel.
• Leaves give out water vapour through the process of transpiration.
• Green leaves make their food by the process of photosynthesis using carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight.
• Roots absorb water and minerals from the soil and anchor the plant firmly in the soil.
• Roots are mainly of two types: tap root and fibrous roots.
• Plants having leaves with reticulate venation have tap roots while plants having leaves with parallel venation have fibrous roots.
• The stem conducts water from roots to the leaves (and other parts) and food from leaves to other parts of the plant.