KEY CONCEPTS : [ *rating as per the significance of concept] CONCEPTS RATING
1. Food Resources: Cereals (Wheat, rice, maize, millets and sorghum) provide us
carbohydrates; Pulses (Grams, pea and lentil) provide us proteins; Oil seeds (Soya bean,
ground nut, sesame, and castor) provide us fats; Vegetables, spices and fruits provide us a
range of minerals, nucleic acids and vitamins. In addition to these food crops, fodder crops
like berseem, oats or sudan grass are raised as food for the livestock are called as fodder
2. The Kharif crops: The crops grown in rainy season are called as Kharif crops (Paddy, Soya
bean, pigeon pea and maize). They are grown from June to October.