About eKal ABC of Achieving Financial Independence - Part-1
Highlights of the Course
This Online Course will throw light on holistic aspect of Financial Planning, steps to achieve them, strategies to follow, mistakes one should avoid, whatĀ steps at what ages, how to control your emotions of Greed and Fear, why to avoid some inherent investor biases, when and which insurance to take, why start financial planning from day 1 of starting your careers, tips on how and from where to save & invest, when do insurance products become redundant and much more. Learnings for all age groups for those starting their careers to their retirement age. Instructor’s Profile : Mr. Sunil Jhaveri , Founder MisterBond is an Advisor, Author and Coach with 36 years of experience in Finance & Investment field. He is Advisor to Advisors through first of it’s kind B2B platform www.misterbond.in Also know as MisterBond in Mutual Fund Industry.Ā
- Rule of 30:30
- Pre Financial Planning Steps
- Financial Prudence and Second Source of Income
- Its Your Life-Stop Giving Excuses
- Difference between Savings and Investments
- Invisible Villain called Inflation
- Take Care of Your Family's Interests
- Patience is a Virtue in Equity Investing and Why Ride Volatility?
- Invest for Long Term and is Gold an Investment?
- Ride Volatility - How and Why
- Plan For Retirement from an Early Stage
- Why Power of Compounding is known as 8th Wonder of the World?
- Understand Equity Market Signals
eKal Academy
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