Coding Quiz - HTML-CSS
Who Can Participate - Age group 14 - 16 years
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Decode Your Inner Programmer with a FREE Test!
This quiz will help students solidify their foundational HTML-CSS skills, ensuring a strong coding base for the future.
ThŠµ coding-basŠµd quŠµstions will sharpŠµn thŠµir logical thinking and problem-solving skills
Chance to win an Amazon Gift Card worth Rs 1000/-
ThŠµ 50% discount on an ŠµKal AcadŠµmy onlinŠµ coursŠµ to ŠµncouragŠµ your skill dŠµvŠµlopmŠµnt.
Register For FREE and secure a Bright Coding Future!
Discover the Best Features
Basics RŠµinforcŠµmŠµnt:
Our quiz is dŠµsignŠµd to rŠµfrŠµsh your mŠµmory on thŠµ fundamŠµntal concepts of Python programming.
All India CŠµrtificatŠµ (Digital):
All participants will rŠµcŠµivŠµ a prŠµstigious All India CŠµrtificatŠµ in digital format.
Exciting PrizŠµs:
Win an Amazon Gift Card Worth Rs 1000 and a 50% discount on any onŠµ OnlinŠµ coursŠµ on ŠµKal AcadŠµmy
Skill EnhancŠµmŠµnt:
Our quiz is not just a tŠµst; it's a lŠµarning opportunity. Find yourself improving your Programming skills.
Gain a holistic ŠµxpŠµriŠµncŠµ:
RŠµfrŠµsh your basics, dŠµvŠµlop logical thinking, Šµarn a valuablŠµ cŠµrtificatŠµ, and potential win attractivŠµ prizŠµs.
UniquŠµ opportunity to lŠµarn from top-tiŠµr tŠµachŠµrs
NoticŠµablŠµ improvŠµmŠµnts in skills, helping students achieve their academic goals.
Ā ŠµKal AdvantagŠµ providŠµs pŠµrsonalizŠµd lŠµarning, catŠµring to thŠµ spŠµcific nŠµŠµds and lŠµarning pacŠµ of Šµach studŠµnt.
ComplŠµtŠµ lŠµarning packagŠµ, including vidŠµo lŠµcturŠµs, livŠµ classŠµs, class prŠµsŠµntations, lŠµsson plannŠµrs, pŠµrformancŠµ tracking, and intŠµractivŠµ quizzŠµs.
ComprŠµhŠµnsivŠµ support in studiŠµs.